Tess Taylor
Tess Taylor’s body of work deals with memory and cultural reckoning. She has published five celebrated poetry collections: The Misremembered World, The Forage House, Work & Days, Rift Zone, and Last West: Roadsongs for Dorothea Lange. She also served as the on-air poetry reviewer for NPR’s All Things Considered for over a decade. Her work appears in in Harpers Magazine, The Atlantic, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, Tin House, The Times Literary Supplement, CNN, and the New York Times. This fall she is releasing her first full-length anthology of gardening poems: Leaning Toward Light: Poems for Gardens and the Hands that Tend Them. This summer, the Getty Museum will release Intimate Addresses, a podcast she wrote based on six artists’ letters in their archive. Its stories are voiced by Taylor and Anna Deveare Smith.