Our Independent Bookstore Partners for the 2024 Festival

We’ve made it easy to purchase the books by all participating authors—and support Bay Area independent bookstores at the same time.

Each Festival venue is served by a participating bookseller. You can buy from that bookseller’s storefront at the Festival and get your book signed by your favorite authors on the spot—check out their sales locations and signing times below.


Serving programs at:
Family Day: Teen Stage, Mystery Room, and Music & Arts. They will have their in person storefront and hold their signings directly after the events on the 2nd floor

10th Anniversary Festival: Native California Stage, and Allston Stage. They will have their in person storefront and hold their signings directly after the events by the stage.

Books Inc Website


Serving programs at:
Family Day: Community Meeting Room, Children’s Nonfiction Area, and Story Room. They will have their in person storefront and hold their signings directly after the events on the 2nd floor

Eastwind Books website


Serving programs at:
10th Anniversary Festival: the Freight & Salvage, where they will have their in person storefront and hold their signings directly after the events.

Green Apple Books website


Serving programs at:

10th Anniversary Festival: MLK Stage, and Fountain Stage. They will have their in person storefront and hold their signings directly after the events by the stage.

Pegasus Books Website


Serving programs at:
10th Anniversary festival Writers’ Day at the Berkeley Library where they will have their in person storefront and hold their signings directly after the events on the 3rd floor.
For books to be shipped to your home:

Sausalito Books by the Bay Website