Dr. Hatem Bazian
Dr. Hatem Bazian is a Decolonial scholar that centers Islam’s liberation epistemology in all his work and examines the contemporary world through a global south lens. Dr. Bazian is Known as organic intellectual, a term used for scholars who directly connect their work and scholarship to people and not confined to academia’s constructed walls of separation. Dr. Bazian is an author of five books, numerous chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles, hundreds of press articles, and constant academic contributions and engagement across the globe. Dr. Bazian is a leading scholar in the Islamophobia Studies field having founded the Islamophobia Studies Center, Editor-in-Chief of the Islamophobia Studies Journal and co-founder and current President of the International Islamophobia Studies and Research Association (IISRA). Dr. Bazian is a lecturer in the Departments of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures and Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies at UC Berkeley and co-founder of Zaytuna College, the 1st accredited Muslim College in the US.