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  • Latinx voices

Dark teen storytelling

Traci Chee, Darcie Little Badger, Sarah Lariviere, Brittany N. Williams, Sandra Proudman, moderated by Laura Gao

Saturday, May 4 - 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Berkeley Public Library - Mystery Room

Sometimes, the darkness can illuminate the imagination—especially in these beautifully wrought novels for teen readers. New York Times bestselling author Traci Chee’s gut-wrenching fantasy Kindling tells the tale of postwar “kindlings,” a corps of elite, magic-wielding warriors whose devastating power comes at the cost of their own young lives. Darcie Little Badger’s A Snake Falls to Earth, longlisted for the National Book Award and winner of the Newbery Award, is a breathtaking saga of Indigenous futurism that draws from the author’s knowledge of Lipan Apache storytelling. Sarah Lariviere’s Riot Act is an alternate history set in 1991 in which theatre kids fight for freedom of expression, while Brittany N. Williams (That Self-Same Metal) melds the world of fae with the grit and excitement of Shakespeare’s London acting troupe; and Sandra Proudman’s anthology Relit, featuring sixteen award-winning and bestselling YA authors, reimagines classic tales through fantasy and science fiction, anchored by a Latinx point of view. Moderated by Laura Gao.

Book signing information: Books Inc, 2nd floor

Land Acknowledgment

We acknowledge that we are gathering on the unceded ancestral lands of the Cochenyo-speaking people, known as Huchiun. We are committed to living our values by promoting the history of these people, recognizing that they are still here as vital members of our community, and creating a space where all literary voices are celebrated and all stories are honored.