Climate Poetry Across Generations: An Inspirational Reading
Sunday, June 2 | 3:45 PM - 4:45 PMMLK Stage
- BIPOC voices
- Poetry
June Jordan said poetry saves lives. Can it fortify the movement to save our planet? Come hear poetic visions of hope and resistance from a diverse, intergenerational lineup of dynamic authors, educators, and organizers. Readers include award-winning climate novelist and current Berkeley Poet Laureate Aya de León, whose most recent climate novel is That Dangerous Energy; translator and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Forrest Gander, who will be publishing Mojave Ghost, a long poem on the desert; Jane Hirshfield, whose recent collection,The Asking, interrogates language, life, beauty, scale of existence, and grief; John Shoptaw, who plays with perspective in his new collection Near-Earth Object; and Gabriel Cortez, the inaugural poet in residence of Berkeley’s Ecology Center, who uses poetry and arts education to uplift local legacies of resistance rooted in climate justice and food sovereignty. These established poets will be joined by a squad of teen and young adult climate poets, including Julia Segrè, the current Youth Poet Laureate of Berkeley.
Book signing information: Pegasus Books (between MLK Stage and Allston Stage)